Arne Hauge
This is an archived event from the following edition:
May 9th 9:15 pm - 9:45 pm


Students from Trøndertun

Nkulunguana is led by Mozambican drummer Arnaldo Gueze. The band originates in the environment at Trøndertun folk high school, where Arnaldo spends a year as a participant through the MOVE exchange project.

The band presents a mixture of traditional rhythms and popular music from Mozambique in East Africa. "Afrojazz" is a term that is often used for this music. Under Arnaldo's expert leadership, the 8-strong team has really got a swing at the African tradition. This is a band that is hard to sit still to.

Arnaldo Luís Gueze - drums/leader
Emilie Henriksen Hagen - vocals
Håkon Hauge - guitar
Emil Nesse - guitar
Emil Nikolai Mikkelsen - piano
Nikolai Østerdal - bass
Sanna Tandberg Holstad - trumpet
Emilie Sofie Eriksen - trumpet


  • Age limit 18 years. We practice guardianship forms
  • The concert starts at 21:15
  • Tickets: Free entry
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