This is an archived event from the following edition:
May 9th
6:00 pm
- 7:15 pm
Eirik Hegdal Eklektisk Samband
World premiere in Trondheim
Saxophonist, composer and initiator Eirik Hegdal has assembled a septet of musicians and producers who happily operate in all musical corners.
With a rather extensive instrumentation, the expression undulates imperceptibly from acoustic to electric, or seamlessly in between - in a genre-less playground consisting of new, exciting sound combinations, grooves, textures, curiosity and creative energy.
Thea Grant - vocals, effects
Josefin Runsteen - fiddle, percussion, vocals
Per Texas Johansson - clarinets, tenor sax, flute
Eirik Hegdal - saxophones, clarinet, synth
Håvard Aufles - piano, synth
Ole Morten Vågan - double bass, electric bass
Hans Hulbækmo - drums, harmonica, percussion
- Age limit: 18 years. We offer guardianship form for youths under 18 at the entrance. Read more here
- The doors open at 17:30
- Concert starts at 18:00
- Tickets: NOK 350/250 (Jazzfest friend). Prices incl. tax
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- Other practical questions? Read our F.A.Q.