Eirik Havnes/Lars Ove Fossheim
Alt som lever skal dø
"Alt som lever skal dø" (Everything that lives shall die) is a text-based work that addresses the place of man in nature, and the place of nature in man. Is man still a part of nature, or have we taken the step out of it and rather taken a position as trustee of nature? This and a number of other existential questions are the core content of this innovative work.
Text: Eirik Havnes
Music: Lars Ove Fossheim and Eirik Havnes
Lighting design: Ingrid Skanke Høsøien
Lars Ove Fossheim - guitar and electronics, Eirik Havnes - lyrics and electronics, Heida Karine Johannesdottir Mobeck - tuba and electronics, Martin Langlie - drums, drum machines, synths and electronics
The performance is a work commissioned by Jazzfest and TEKS - Trondheim Electronic Art Center.
Supported by the The Norwegian Cultural Council.