Camille Bertault & David Helbock
Joanna Wizmur
This is an archived event from the following edition:
May 11th 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Camille Bertault & David Helbock

Playful, surprising and exciting

Camille Bertault and David Helbock are two of the most jaw-droppingly talented members of the cohort of European jazz musicians currently in their mid-thirties. Their journeys in improvised music are always adventurous, playful and exciting. She is the new rising star of French vocal jazz. He, Austrian-born, is one of the most fascinating pianists on the scene. Their two personalities might appear to be opposites, yet Bertault’ s live-wire humour and Helbock’ calm self-assuredness only appear to be different on the surface. When it comes to the musical choices they make, they are emphatically on the same page. Each is astonishingly versatile, with an innate sense of dramaturgy

Camille Bertault – vocal
David Helbock – piano, electronics

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